The 5 ways to earn money on Instagram

Earn Money With Instagram

On a monthly basis, Instagram has more than 1.2 billion active users around the world. It is a social network with a fairly large reach and with very useful tools that can be used to earn money.

If you are interested in learning how to earn money on Instagram, here we explain the ways that exist to generate income with this platform. And it is that, every day there are more users who put into practice different strategies to turn Instagram into a source of money.

Coming to promote, sell or simply recommend certain products and/or services in order to earn an income. Let’s talk in more detail about the ways to earn money on Instagram.

1. Use the Instagram Shopping feature

This option allows you to create a kind of product store. It is a function that Instagram enabled since 2016 and can help you offer your products on that platform to get money.

However, in order to use this feature, you must meet certain requirements. Such as:

  • Comply with Instagram policies
  • represent the company
  • Convert personal account to business account
  • The business must have its own web domain and e-commerce
  • Belong to the market supported by Instagram
  • be trustworthy
  • Provide the requested information correctly
  • Comply with Instagram Recommended Practices
  • among others

Among other things, you should also know that this function is only available through mobile devices. So if someone accesses that account through a computer, they will not be able to find this tool.

Also read: How to earn money on Facebook?

2. Implement Affiliate Marketing

Reliable affiliate marketing is a strategy that never goes out of style. And that, with the use of social networks, it has achieved a much greater reach. This strategy is based on the promotion of products and/or services of a certain company or brand by an individual considered as an influencer.

This is due to the great reach capacity that many influencers have today. Also, affiliate marketing turns out to be quite impressive because they usually have viewers who are totally willing to buy what they recommend.

In exchange for implementing this strategy, the influencers or users who apply it obtain a certain percentage. Either for each sale that they manage to culminate or action that is carried out.

For example, it is quite common for companies or brands to provide influencers with personalized links. Then, these influencers encourage their followers to make a specific purchase or action using the link. In this way, it is directly recorded that there was someone who entered through that URL address and completed a certain task.

Of course, in order to become part of an affiliate program, you need to have a considerable audience. Which is willing to try what you recommend.

Also read: How to earn money with Google from home?

3. Promote your own products and/or services

If you don’t meet the Instagram Shopping requirements, don’t be discouraged. It is still possible to offer your products and/or services for sale. And it is that, Instagram is a platform that lends itself to teach the public what you sell, what you know how to do.

Therefore, the third way in which you can earn money on Instagram is by directly offering your services or what you sell. For this, Instagram also has tools such as ads. It is true that this type of tool needs investment. However, in the future, it is quite profitable to implement this type of strategy.

But, if you don’t feel completely safe, don’t worry. You still have strategies such as hashtags, which allow you to highlight certain keywords that can help you get more visibility.

For this, many people use different mechanisms. Among them, we can mention Storytelling, real testimonials, the creation of fun content, lives or IGTV.


Storytelling is a marketing strategy that is based on telling a story. Most of the advertising created seeks to tell a story that aims to connect with the viewer and, in this way, “hook” him.

This is how many users have decided on Storytelling and intend to create a kind of link with their audience. Convey a message with which your target audience can feel identified and use this attention to your advantage.

real testimonials

Another way that users use to promote their products and/or services is the use of testimonials or real successful customer cases. This gives the seller a kind of credibility that users consider necessary to be able to decide to purchase what it offers.

Potential customers highly value the experiences of others since, if they are positive, they manage to reduce the risk of making a bad purchase. Or simply a purchase that does not satisfy them and which they end up regretting.

Therefore, providing them with real testimonials from previous customers will allow them to get an idea of ​​what that purchase could represent.

Funny or dynamic content

The creation of fun or dynamic content is another way to promote products and/or services. This is because, who does not like content that is attractive, makes you laugh or invites you to perform an interesting dynamic?

Using this strategy allows you to directly capture the attention of users and then invite them to purchase your products.

Live videos

Instagram Lives is quite an advantageous tool that allows you to make yourself known.

Especially if you use it to collaborate with other users with a related theme that has a larger audience. Since, in this way, you will be able to attract followers who are attracted to your niche and who belong to your target audience.


IGTV is a feature that allows users to create videos with a duration of up to 15 minutes. It is ideal for those who want to provide their followers with slightly longer content.

It was designed to expand the possibilities of content creation and is commonly used to provide the audience with problem-solving strategies. That is content where you show how to correctly use a product, among others. All this without worrying about lasting less than 30 seconds.

In addition, with this function, you can save your Lives and use them in a new opportunity.

Also read: How to earn money on TikTok?

4. Being a Content Manager

Now, the fourth way in which you can earn money on Instagram is based on the creation of new content. What does this mean?

On Instagram, just like on other popular social networks, it is possible to act as a Content Manager. And what does it mean to be a Content Manager?

It can also be called as content manager. And, this professional is in charge of, as his name says, managing the content of companies or brands.

If you have creativity and the quality of research, learning about different topics, among others, you could offer the content manager service.

Because it could make it easy for you to create content. Especially if you are a person capable of generating content ideas on a regular and constant basis.

In this way, one way to earn money on Instagram would be to specialize as a Content Manager. And thus, you will be able to offer this service to other Instagram users who have difficulties generating their content.

For this, you would have to take certain courses that allow you to train in this area. In addition, you will have to carry out some practices with small users in order to gain experience.

After this, you will be able to create your work portfolio and offer this service in a much more professional way.

5. Sell photos or videos

Many Instagram users resort to this way of earning money on a frequent basis. This is because this platform is a portal that comes to life thanks to its audiovisual content.

And for users who are passionate about creating videos or taking photos from Instagram, this is an excellent idea. Since they will be doing an activity that they like while they have the opportunity to profit from it.

For the sale of this audiovisual content, there are certain platforms that are dedicated to this commercial transaction. They are known as image banks. There, companies or brands that want to buy images to have unique and original content, can find what they are looking for. Or, if not, request a specific user to make specific audiovisual content in exchange for a payment.

You can use Instagram as a kind of portfolio, where you show your work. In addition, you would add links that direct your audience to the image banks where you sell said content. Also, you can use platforms like Patreon where your followers can donate money to support your growth.

Among the platforms that you can consider to sell your audiovisual content, we can mention some such as:

  1. ShutterStock
  2. freepik
  3. dreamstime
  4. adobestock
  5. Fotolia

In conclusion

Instagram is quite a versatile platform that can be used in different ways to earn money. These are a few ideas that you can take into account to start using Instagram in a more lucrative way. However, the limit when using Instagram is set by you.

However, remember that any way you decide to use to earn money on Instagram must be appropriate and comply with their rules and policies. Otherwise, you could even lose your account.

Social networks have become a very interesting tool to earn money. Make the most of them!