Macron wants companies to share profits with employees

Le Président de la République Emmanuel MACRON reçoit le mardi 30 novembre 2021 au Palais de l’Elysée, le Président de la République de Lituanie, M. Gitanas NAUSEDA, pour un déjeuner de travail.

The president of France, Emmanuel Macron, has expressed his willingness to find ways so that those companies that enjoy an extraordinary increase in profits and carry out share buyback plans have to share part of their increased profits with workers.

“There is a kind of cynicism when we have big companies that generate ‘super profits’ that they use to buy back their shares, so I will ask the government to work on an exceptional contribution,” Macron said in an interview with TF1 television.

However, the president of the French country pointed out that the mechanism to carry out the redistribution of profits remains to be defined, although he indicated that it would not be equivalent to a tax on extraordinary profits such as the one implemented on ‘utilities’ due to the high prices of energy.

“We have to find the right system, they must pay their employees more and there must be a greater contribution to this effort,” Macron said.

On the other hand, he expressed his desire to “re-engage” a dialogue with the social partners on working conditions, acknowledging “hearing” a “feeling of injustice” expressed on the street.