There is mourning in the art of the world: the master Fernando Botero, the most important Colombian painter in history and one of the most recognized on the planet, has died. On the morning of this Friday, September 15, it was confirmed that the renowned painter and sculptor Fernando Botero died in the tranquility of his home in the principality of Monaco.
The news of the death of Colombia’s greatest artist was initially confirmed by W Radio journalist, Julio Sánchez Cristo, who recalled that in recent days the maestro – 91 years old – had suffered a health problem for which he remained a few days and admitted to a hospital.
According to Sánchez Cristo, Botero was affected by pneumonia for which he had to be treated in recent days. Despite the health complications, the director of W Radio learned that the Antioquian painter preferred to continue his recovery “In the tranquility of his house,” where he continued painting until last week.
“Good thoughts to one of the most illustrious Colombians who have represented us throughout the world,” was the message that Sánchez Cristo sent to Maestro Botero hours before his death was confirmed.
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Lina Botero Zea, the daughter that the teacher had as a result of his relationship with Gloria Zea -his first wife-, assured before the microphones of La W that her father died in the tranquility of his home. According to the curator’s story, she accompanied her father until the moment of his death.
“He died quietly, in peace. We were with him holding hands, he took his last breath and left in peace,” Botero Zea told the radio station.
The death of maestro Botero occurred just four months after his wife, the artist Sophia Vari, died on May 5 from complications associated with cancer. Faced with the death of the Greek painter, sculptor, jeweler and collagist, the daughter of the Colombian artist assured that the departure of her beloved Sofía was one of the triggers for the deterioration of her state of health.
“ Sophia’s departure greatly deteriorated her health. My dad had already had terrible Parkinson’s for many years, but until the last day of his life he continued painting,” Botero Zea told W Radio.
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“Sophia actually left and it was a great loss for him. (…) In my dad’s case, art was his salvation, I saw the hours go by and he didn’t realize it. “He was very happy in his studio,” added Maestro Botero’s daughter, ensuring that until the last minute of his life, the Colombian painter was “incredibly prolific until his last moment.”
Although it is too early for the Botera family to define how they will honor him in Colombia, Maestro Botero’s daughter confirmed to the Bogotá radio station that her father’s remains will rest next to those of his wife Sophia, who rest in Pietrasanta, a town located on the northern coast of Tuscany, in Italy. Fernando Botero’s daughter confirmed that her father’s remains will rest next to those of his deceased wife, Sophia Vari – credit Colprensa
“His example was the greatest gift of what he could be, of his love for the country. He continually sought to leave something to his country. “It is a very great example, I thank life for the father I had,” concluded Lina Botero in her interview with W Radio, while confirming that her brothers, Fernando Botero Zea and Juan Carlos Botero, are already traveling. to Monaco to say goodbye to his father.
Born on April 19, 1932 in Medellín (Antioquia), Fernando Botero became the Colombian artist who gave prominence to national art on the most important stages and cities in the world. His works, which are immortal, reached the United States, France, Mexico, and even touched European and Asian territories.
Botero did not plan to become an artist. At the age of 15, almost by accident, he discovered his passion. The then young painter was studying to become a bullfighter and, due to the financial difficulties of his family, he decided to sell drawings outside the La Macarena bullring. When he sold his first work, for only 2 pesos, he began to consider leaving bullfighting for art, Semana reported.
Since then his life has been spread across Europe, Mexico and the United States, the latter country being where he rose to fame thanks to Dietrich Malov, the director of the German Museum, who was enchanted by his ‘fat girls’ and helped him put on five exhibitions that They brought the paisa artist to his stardom. From there, the calls did not wait and his artistic legacy was distributed throughout the world.