What is an investor?

What is a Investor

It is that person, whether natural or legal, who has a part, or all of its Financial Capital, to acquire various financial domains that ensure a future reward or enrichment for said action.

What they do may sound simple, but they are people who constantly live under pressure, as they must ensure the proper use of the assets that were contributed, whether they are theirs or not. The financial decisions made by investors are always influenced by factors such as customs, personality, age, among others; it is normal to see young people take more risks.

The one that requires a certain boldness does not mean that he will blindly jump on any multimillion-dollar proposal that they present to him since there are many scammers who are looking for unsuspecting people with money to deceive them; or even honest people but that the business did not go as expected and they lost the investment.

The best investors in the world do not invest for mere emotion, on the contrary, they only risk in those businesses of which they have at least technical knowledge of how they work in the market.

There are Investor Companies, dedicated to the study of different areas of the market to present proposals to clients who decide to entrust their money to them and obtain profits, these companies receiving commissions for the service provided. Traders are a form of investors.

What are the analysis factors for an investor?

Depending on the market in which you decide to invest, there are indicators that, through analysis, allow you to maximize the chances of success and reduce risks; although these will never cease to be present. The factors are as follows:

  • Risk aversion: It is the disposition that each investor has to expose himself to the risk presented by the market. It is an element to take into account since if the aversion to risk is great, it is preferable to abstain.
  • Equity: It is the financial capital available to be invested. The more you invest, the more profit you will get, but the risk you run is also greater.
  • Investment horizon: Every investor must be clear, first of all, in what term he expects to receive his profit, be it short, medium or long term. This is crucial, because if you are looking at a long-term profit but short-term losses occur, you should not lose your primary focus.
  • Financial knowledge: Risking to invest without having knowledge of the market is practically a sure failure. That is why the investor must prepare and study to know how to read the market or go to a specialist who makes the investment for him.

What type of investors are there?

The fundamental element to classify investors is their aversion to risk, according to this, we can classify them as follows:

Conservative investor

He is the one with a high aversion to risk, that is, he prefers to play it safe even if this does not generate much profit. Choose to invest in sectors of the market that are low volatile and instruments that generate fixed income such as bonds.

Moderate investor

It is one that seeks to balance between the safe and the risky. Match the risk and return values ​​to invest in what suits you best.

Aggressive investor

Your aversion to risk is minimal. His investment preference is the stocks, opting for those that provide a greater profit than compensates for the risk assumed.

The risk you are willing to take is closely linked to the goal you are pursuing; You may be saving, or you just want to increase your capital to raise your Social Status.

Investor Categories

Knowing the types of Investors we can classify them according to their relationship with the market, direct or indirect. It is important to note that the fact that it is of one type or another does not imply that it immediately falls into one of these categories:

  • Liabilities: Those who delegate the management of their investment to third parties. They are not directly related to the market.
  • Assets: They are those that are directly related to the market, analyzing every day possible investment opportunities.

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